Calm before the storm
About Me
I offer prints of my original work as well as framed original work in watercolor, oil, acrylic and pastel. I have been painting for years and enjoy the challenge of working in different mediums. The medium I most enjoy is watercolor. My favorite method involves the application of layers of watercolor to rice paper using wax as a resist. The method is similar to cloth batik. A depth of color appears with the application of multiple layers of paint, and wax is applied to areas when the desired color is achieved. After the entire painting is coated with wax, the wax is removed. In the print making process, the wax not only heightens the color, it also produces a luminous quality. The batik effect creates another interesting dimension in that the work appears light and spontaneous.
I also enjoy carving linoleum blocks and creating block prints on rice paper. I also work occasionally with oil, pastel and acrylic. Another passion of mine is to create jewelry – unique, one of a kind pieces.
I hope you enjoy your visit to my website and please contact me for additional information.